Syria had always been a crucial country for the Middle East and certain extent to the world. Syria as a civilisation goes back to 8000 years and forty (40) civilisations are buried on its land. The beginning of human civilisation started in Syria and Syrians invented alphabets and agriculture.

The country Sham شام (Syria) was also ruled by Assyrians and its current name is associated with it. During Assyrians’ rule it was called “Sooriya سوریا” which included Palestine, Jordan, parts of Iraq. The town of Halab was very famous for “glass making”.

After WW1 (1914-1918) and end of Ottoman Empire, Syria was ruled by France (till 1946) and Jordan, Palestine & Iraq by Britain. The British Empire ruled Palestine till the creation of Israel in 1948.

Poet Iqbal mentioned “Sooriya” in his poem ‘Europe and Sooriya’:

Firangiyoun Kou Ata Khak Sooriya Ne Kiya
فرنگیوں کو عطا خاک سوریا نے کیا
Nabee Iffat Wa Ghum Kharee Wa Kum Aazaree.
نبی عفت و غم خواری و کم آزاری

Here, ‘Firangee’ means France and ‘Nabee Iffat Wa Ghum Kharee Wa Kum Aazaree’ means Prophet Jesus and his qualities. In other words Iqbal said ‘Sooriya’ is the birth place of Prophet Jesus.

Now Syria has been destroyed by these ‘Firangaees’ which gave them Prophet Jesus.