Post of 17th August 2021

Today, Taliban spokesperson has “assured the residents of Kabul that they don’t hold any grudges against anyone. We would like to assure that freedom and independence is our right. We are responsible for full security and protections and dignity of Afghan people.” Taliban will not take revenge after takeover of power in Kabul.

“We would like to assure that all foreign Embassies, diplomats, international organisations, aid agencies and their workers are secure and security will be provided round the clock.”

He said we don’t want to see any chaos. We want to assure our neighbours that we would not allow anybody to use our land to create terrorists in any country in the world. We have suffered a lot and done a lot of sacrifices in last forty years but we will not harm any international community.

Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan are committed to the rights of women within the framework of “Sharia”. Our sisters have the same rights like men and they can work in different areas and sectors based on the rules and regulations. Educational, health and other areas females will work shoulder to shoulders with us.

We are going to work with international companies for development of our natural resources to build our economy. Soon we are going to take actions for our economic activities. The whole society and community will be involved in trade and economy.

We would like to assure the media that we are committed to media within our cultural frameworks. Private media will continue to be free and independent. But we have request for the media that don’t go against Islamic values in developing their programmes. Thanks.