Post of 12 December 2023

At #COP28 in Dubai, Sultan al Jabber said that “there is no science out there or no scenario out there that says that the phase out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5 degree.”

Fossil fuels are not the cause of “Climate Change” but the United States’ nuclear and depleted nuclear bombs are the biggest contributor to climate change, accounting for about three-quarters of the carbon emissions. In last 75 years, United States dropped tons of depleted nuclear bombs and explosives in Japan to Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, West Bank and Gaza etc. The US has killed more than 5 million people in the Southeast Asia.

*United States bombs have destroyed Gaza 365 to ashes in last two months but the climate experts are crying at COP28 in Dubai against fossil fuels.

*The US dropped more tons of bombs in Korea in 1950-53 than during the whole of World War II. America did genocide and destroyed everything in Korea in 1950-53.

*From 1965 to 1969, the US military dropped 70 tons of bombs for every square mile of North and South Vietnam, or 500 pounds for each man, woman and child.

*The US destroyed Cambodia through “Carpet Bombing” from 1969 to 1973 and destroyed everything there.

*The US and NATO forces destroyed Afghanistan from 2002-2021 through carpet bombing from B-52s planes.

#Note: See you again crying to stop fossil fuels at Conference of Parties (#COP29) in Azerbaijan, next year.