Ashura (pronounced ashure), otherwise known as Noah’s pudding, is a Turkish dessert of Armenian origin with a unique story.

According to popular beliefs, the centuries old tradition of ashure started the day when the Prophet Noah (as) and his followers were saved from the flood. After his ship made it to land, they gathered what food they had left and cooked it into a single dish, the outcome was a pudding that has traveled through the ages and is cooked in almost every household in Turkey even today.

On the Day of Ashura, Muslims observe the tradition of making ashura, as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “One who generously spends on his family on the day of Ashura, Allah will increase (his provision) for the whole year.”

For this reason it is customary in Turkish homes that bowls of this delicious pudding be handed out to as many people as possible believing that the pudding will bring “Bereket” or “Barakah” ‘(blessings and abundance).

It is given out as a gesture of peace and friendship and is prepared in Muslim homes with special prayers for health, happiness, peace, wealth and success.

For Muslim’s everywhere, the Day of Ashura is a reminder of the sacrifices Prophets [Peace and blessings be upon them all] made for humanity and as such it has become a day to commemorate them.

The dish is also made and distributed to honour the day of Ashura and for the recurring benefit in the name of the martyrs of Kerbala

Al Fatiha

#Ashura #BarakahBase #Customs #Traditions
Al Muntazar Han

