On the occasion of Brexit, Wednesday 29th January 2020, the President of the European Union Commission, Ursula von der Leyen quoted British poet George Eliot, in the European parliament.  

“Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depth of love”. She said we will always love you!

The UK is the first country leaving the European Union (EU) on 31st January 2020,  Friday evening as the clock strikes 11pm.

On 1st January 1973, the UK joined European Economic Community (EEC) and on 5th June 1975, the British people voted in favour of joining European Economic Community (Market). The EEC was established by six core European countries, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, West Germany and the Netherlands in 1957.

On 1st  November 1993, the EEC became the European Union(EU) as a result of Maastricht Treaty and Britain also became member automatically but did not join the European currency ‘Euro’ and kept its own currency ‘Pound’.

In 2016 people of the UK voted to leave European Union under Prime Minister David Cameron and exited on 31January 2020 after three and half years of bitter deliberations and voting in British Parliament during Theresa May and Prime Minister Boris Johnson leadership. A transition period will run for the next 11 months by EU Laws till December 2020 and little will change immediately.


#Small Island. After 17 years, Britain leaves the EU at 11 pm tonight- the biggest gamble in a generation: The Guardian

#This is not an end, but a beginning: The Daily Telegraph

#A new dawn for Britain: Daily Mail

#Our time has come: The Sun

#Yes we did it: Daily Express