Post of 9th January 2020

Today, UK House of Commons has given final approval to Brexit Bill which paved way for UK’s withdrawal from European Union (EU) on January 31.

The House voted 330 to 231 in favour of the withdrawal from the EU and it will now go to the House of Lords for approval next week. The bill covers “divorce” payments to the EU, citizens’ rights, customs arrangements for Northern Ireland and the planned 11-month transition period till 31st December 2020.

My opinion is that only four UK’s Prime Ministers of 20th Century will be remembered to next 100 years in Britain:

#Boris Johnson for his firm decision to exit from European Union in 2019.

#Margeret Thatcher, PM from 1979 to 1990 for her role to finish Trade Union politics in the UK/World and efforts to USSR disintegration or end of the Marxism.

#Clement Attlee, PM from 1945-1951 for adaptation of Keynesian approach to economic development, full employment and mixed economy after WWII. He will be remembered for free health services to all through the NHS and Independence of India in 1947.

#Winston Churchill, PM from 1940-45 & 1951-55. He will be remembered for his success in WWII and keeping the morale of British people high during the war.