Allah says in the Quran: “who saves one human life, it is as if he has saved all mankind” – (5:32)

Hakim Bu Ali Sina was born in 980 AD, in a village of Bokhara, Uzbekistan (at that time, part of Iran). He died in 1037 in Hamadan (Iran) and buried there. He was one of the most famous and significant physician, astronomer, writer and philosopher of his time and Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th Century). He has written many books and his famous works is “Shifa”, “Isharat” and “Qanoon”.

Ibn Sina known in the Europe as Avicenna, suspected that some diseases were spread by microorganisms,… To prevent human-to-human contamination, he came up with the method of isolating people for 40 days. He called this method “Al-Arba’iniya” (The Forty).

Traders from Venice (Italy) heard of his successful method and took this knowledge back to contemporary Italy. They called it “Quarantena” (The Forty in Italian). This is where the word “Quarantine” comes from. The origin of the method currently being used in much of the world to fight pandemics have their origins in the Islamic world.

Even today, Ibn Sina’s method is saving thousands, perhaps millions, of lives and his legacy filled with Barakah!

“Hairan hai Bu Ali ke main aaya kahan se hoon
Rumi yeh sonchta hai ke jaoun kidhar ko main” (Iqbal)
حیراں ھے بو علی کہ میں آیا کہاں سے ھوں
رومی یھ سونچتا ھے کہ جاؤں کدھر کو میں

Thoughts to write this post came from the Post (6-4-20) of Afreen Noor