“अया सोफिया (Hagia Sophia)” ये ख़ूब चर्चा हो रही है कि इमारत एक चर्च था, जिसे बाइजेंटाइन राजाओं (ऑर्थोडॉक्स ईसाई) ने बनवाया था ऑटोमन्स ने कब्जा कर लिया था मस्जिद बनवा दी थी। नमाज़ शुरू करा दी थी। वगैरह वगैरह।… Continue Reading →
Stand-off between Indian and Chinese border troops is the culmination of festering tensions between the two sides over territory that has been contested for more than a century. In subzero temperatures on an inhospitable elevation, Indian and Chinese troops engaged… Continue Reading →
۔۔۔۔۔۔۔عورت اور خاتون۔۔۔۔آخری قسط اسی ادھیڑ بن میں اپنی جان بچا لینے کی فکر میں ہوں کہ ایک اور جانکاہ منظر میری آنکھوں کے سامنے آجاتا ہۓ۔ ایک معصوم و مجبور بے زبان لڑکی اپنے ذہن پر ماں باپ کی… Continue Reading →
JERUSALEM: LAND OF PROPHETS As I opened my hotel room window, 6000 years of history was sprawled in front of my eyes, Judean, Romans, Crusaders, Persians all have left imprints on this holy land, Jerusalem. The old walled city of… Continue Reading →
फ़िलिस्तीन पैग़म्बरो का घर और सरज़मीन रही है। इब्राहिम (Abraham) अलेहिसलाम ने फ़िलिस्तीन की तरफ हिजरत की और अल्लाह ने लूत (Lot) अलेहिसलाम को उस अजाब से नजात दी जो उन के क़ौम पर इस जगह नाज़िल हुआ था। “बिस्मिल्लाह… Continue Reading →
فلسطین انبیاء کا مسکن اور سر زمین رہی ہے۔ حضرت ابراھیم علیہ سلام نے فلسطین کی طرف ہجرت فرمائ اور وہاں ھی ان کا قبر مبارک ہے۔ اللہ تعالی نے حضرت لوط علیہ سلام کو اس عزاب سے نجات دی… Continue Reading →
یہ پلے کی توپی ، یہ کرتا پاجامہپہن کر چلے ہم خراماں خراماںجو مسجد کو پہنچے تو ویران تھی وہجو لوگوں کو دیکھا، پریشان تھے وہنمازی کے چہرے بنے تھے سوالیکورونا کے باعث وہ مسجد تھی خالیکبھی ایسا منظر نہ… Continue Reading →
Besides Communist Party of China (CPC), Chinese government has two political organisations: National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). #The NPC is China’s top legislative and supreme organ of the state power. It has around 3,000… Continue Reading →
Name of Kazakhstan Capital has been changed to NUR-SULTAN from Astana on 20-03-2019. Kazakh Majlis (Parliament) has passed this resolution. President Nursultan Nazarbayev has announced his retirement after 30 years in power but he retains key posts of Head of… Continue Reading →
मोहम्मद बदिउज़्ज़मॉ साहेब ने अपनी किताब “इक़बाल की जोग़राफियाई और शख़्सियतों से मनसूब इस्तलाहात” मे लिखा है कि ग़ज़नी सल्तनत की बुनियाद अल्पतगिन ने डाली थी जो सामानी (سامانی) सल्तनत जिस की राजधानी बोखारा (उज़बेकिस्तान) था के हाकिम अबदूल मलिक बिन… Continue Reading →
30 अप्रैल 1030 ईस्वी मानी आज से 990 साल पहले बुतशिकन महमूद ग़ज़नवी की वफ़ात हुई थी। बुतशिकन महमूद ग़ज़नवी की उम्र लगभग 59 साल थी। महमूद ग़ज़नवी ने लगभग 32 साल हुक़ूमत की। महमूद ग़ज़नवी का जन्म अफ़ग़ानिस्तान के… Continue Reading →
इकबाल का नाम उन की माँ ने “शेख मोहममद इकबाल” रखा था। जब वह दो साल के थे तो किसी बिमारी की वजह कर उन के कान मे जोंक लगाया गया था जिस की वजह कर उन के दाई आँख… Continue Reading →
दि इकोनॉमिस्ट, लंदन ने सौ साल (1920-2020) के तेल के दाम का चार्ट दिया है और हर महत्वपूर्ण साल को देखाया है। हम ने बहुत पहले लिखा था मेरी सारी बात को भूल जाये मगर एक बात याद रखे कि… Continue Reading →
The world was fighting with Covid-19 but Saudi Arabia flooded the oil market to close the US shale industry. Every country requires performing energy markets for economic development but since mid- February oil and financial markets have been rocked due… Continue Reading →
The Prophet Muhammed warned his companions against epidemics. He said if you hear of an outbreak of a plague in a land, do not enter it. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah says, ‘and do not kill yourselves.’ It’s worth recalling… Continue Reading →
अल्लाह कुरान में कहता है: “जो एक मानव जीवन को बचाता है, वह ऐसा है जैसे उसने सारी मानव जाति को बचाया है” – (5:32) हकीम बू अली सीना का जन्म 980 में बोखारा (उज्बेकिस्तान) के एक गाँव में हुआ,… Continue Reading →
Allah says in the Quran: “who saves one human life, it is as if he has saved all mankind” – (5:32) Hakim Bu Ali Sina was born in 980 AD, in a village of Bokhara, Uzbekistan (at that time, part… Continue Reading →
For the past two weeks, we are in the middle of one the severe stock market crashes in the history. And nobody can honestly say where it will end. On Thursday, the leaders of the G20 will hold virtual (teleconferences)… Continue Reading →
Khawja Abdul Hamied established a pharmaceutical company named CIPLA in 1935. He dedicated himself to making life-saving inexpensive generic medications for the poorer countries. Cipla’s geographical segments include India, USA, South Africa and the rest of the World. He participated… Continue Reading →
Janata curfew on the 22nd of March will be a “thousand and one nightmare” for all Indians irrespective of religion, caste and region of India. This day will be beginning of the end of the hundred years of RSS ideology… Continue Reading →
The influenza (Flu), first described by Hippocrates in 412 BC, is one of the oldest diseases known to man. It was thought in the past to be caused by astrological influences, hence the name. The first known flu pandemic was… Continue Reading →
आज Balraj Kataria साहेब अपने एक पोसट पर लिखते हैं “औरंगज़ेब के शासन के आख़िर में, या उसकी मृत्यु के बाद धर्मांतरण काफ़ी हुआ था, मुग़ल काल में इससे पहले इतने बड़े पैमाने पर धर्मांतरण नहीं हुआ था। औरंगज़ेब के शासन काल… Continue Reading →
After almost 20 years of war and 18 months of talks, a peace deal has been signed between US and Taliban in Doha on February 29th 2020 /Rajab 5, 1441 Hijri in Pashto, Dari, and English languages. American side was… Continue Reading →
कुछ दिन पहले ईजिप्ट मे 3300 (1353-1336 BC) साल पूरानी रानी नेफरातीती की क़ब्र मिली है।उस मे छोटी छोटी सोने की मूर्ती भी मिली है। सारी रंगीन तस्वीर कपडा पहने हुऐ नज़र आरही है।कहा जाता है मिस्र मे 7000 साल… Continue Reading →
#The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) is a museum of 21st century and scheduled to open in 2020. The museum will exhibit the artifacts of ancient Egypt and full Tutankhamun collection with many pieces to be displayed for the first time. Tutankhamun… Continue Reading →
Coronavirus spread in Wuhan, China from 22 January 2020 on a large scale. China stopped movement of people from Wuhan town to other cities and constructed four hospitals in ten days. On 28th January, at the Great Hall of the… Continue Reading →
आज सऊदी अरब के ऊर्जा मन्त्री ने कहा है कि रूस के राष्ट्रपति पुटीन अक्टूबर मे रेयाद का दौरा करे गे। वह 2007 मे रूस के पहले राष्ट्रपति है जो सऊदी अरब आये थे और शाह सलमान पहले सऊदी राष्ट्राध्यक्ष… Continue Reading →
23 February 2020 Post on FB President Donald Trump is hopeful of American-Taleban deal on 29th February 2020. The peace deal with Taleban-USA will test the proposition for the long term friendship with Afghanistan & Pakistan for Sub-continent stability. Hopefully,… Continue Reading →
There is little doubt when announced in 2013 as to whether the wealthy Arab nation can host such a celebration of brilliance in 2020. The six-month Expo 2020 will officially open in October this year. Expo 2020 Director-General Reem Al-Hashimy… Continue Reading →
President Macron said at the Munich Security Conference this Saturday that Europe is “becoming a continent that doesn’t believe in its future.” French President hits back Pompeo that “There is indeed a weakening of the West. 15 years ago, we thought… Continue Reading →
Syria had always been a crucial country for the Middle East and certain extent to the world. Syria as a civilisation goes back to 8000 years and forty (40) civilisations are buried on its land. The beginning of human civilisation… Continue Reading →
Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar was a Lohana #Rajput from a village in Gondal in Gujarat. He had made his fortune in the fish business, but was ostracized from his vegetarian Hindu Lohana caste. To reclaim his caste and community, he even gave up… Continue Reading →
I believe today’s sickness is ”everybody knows everything” and then criticise without knowledge. Before criticising Erdogan, you need to know Turkey’s situation after Cennet Mekan Sultan Abdulhamid Han. ”This is a war between Elephants and Birds” and unfortunatelly after Gök… Continue Reading →
यह नग़मये जिबरिल है या बाँगे सराफिल (इक़बाल) یہ نغمہ جبریل ہے یا بانگ سرافیل दो दिन पहले प्रिंस चार्ल्स यूरोशलम गये थे और वहॉ की तंग गली मे चल कर चर्च गये और सभो से रास्ते मे मिलते और… Continue Reading →
Sultan Qaboos of Oman, the only son of Sultan Said bin Taimur of Oman died on Friday evening. A three-day period of national mourning was declared. Qaboos was educated in England and was graduate of Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst…. Continue Reading →
यह नक्शा जो ईरान, तुर्किसतान, अफगानिस्तान, पाकिस्तान और अरब महासागर और भारत का है यह गौर से देखये और सोचये भारत का विभाजन कितना बडा बलंडर हमारे नेताओ ने अपने नासमझी या ग़ैर-दूरअनदेशी मे कर दिया। भारत के बूद्घजिवीयो को… Continue Reading →
Well done Hassan Rouhani by increasing enrichment of Uranium. I am well wisher of Iran, but not your “Velayat-e Motlaghe-ye Faqīh leader (Absolute guardianship of the Jurisprudence)”. He is the one who destroyed Iran by propping up General like Sulemani…. Continue Reading →
आज राष्ट्रपति पुटीन ने रूस के संसद मे सालाना भाषण दिया जिस मे रेफरेंडम द्वारा संविधान बदल कर संसद को अधिक शक्ति देने की बात की मगर राष्ट्रपति के अधिकार को कम नही करने की बात की। प्रधानमंत्री मेदवेदेव ने… Continue Reading →
#Today, President Putin and Erdogan has launched the TurkStream gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey. TurkStream’s length is 910 km and running under Black Sea. It will transfer 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year and meet the energy… Continue Reading →
#Hope the new generations will write the golden history of their countries in Asia & Africa in 2020. The young will fight against poverty, poor health facilities and for better education, housing, employment, standard-of-living. #Wish, the young and old will enjoy… Continue Reading →
जब Titanic जहाज़ iceberg से टकराया था तो आखरी वक्त तक Orchestra बज रहा था। लोग नाच गाना मे मस्त था। किसी को टकराना की आवाज़ सुनाई नही दी और सब डूब गये। पूरा 2019 उसी तरह से दुनिया मे… Continue Reading →
President of South Korea Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe confirmed the differences between two countries but agreed to improve their relations that have soured due to trade dispute in July, 2019 and World War II compensations for… Continue Reading →
Saudi Aramco IPO listing this week in Riyadh Stock Exchange will surpass America’s Apple as the biggest listed company in the world. Last month Gulf oil giant floated IPO for $20-40 billion of 1.5% of Aramco’s wealth. It was… Continue Reading →
Xinjiang Governor Shohrat Zakir accused the US of launching a smear campaign against Beijing. He said the US has also chosen to turn a blind eye to Xinjiang’s social stability, and is using issues there to sow discord among ethnic… Continue Reading →
انّ الله َ مع صابرین ۔۔۔۔۔ آپ ہرے ہیں سو عموماً لوگ اس کے سبب آپ کو طوطاچشم سمجھتے ہیں ۔۔۔۔ چونکہ آپ ہرے ہیں تو آپ صابر بھی ہیں سو اس بات سے بالکل بھی گھبرائیں نہیںاپنے اوپر لگے… Continue Reading →
Yesterday China reported that “its foreign trade increased 2.4% in 2019 to $4.14 trillion. Export reached $2.23 trillion and import $1.51 trillion. The European Union remained China’s largest trading partner followed by ASEAN (total $1 trillion) while with the USA… Continue Reading →
आज दो दिन से बहुत हो-हल्ला हो रहा है कि राहूल बजाज ने अमित शाह के सामने ऐकोनोमिक टाईम्स के समारोह मे सरकार के खेलाफ बिना डरे बोल दिया। कुछ लोग इन के पिता जी का स्वतंत्रता सेनानी होने का… Continue Reading →
President Donald Trump has entered into war of words between his French and Turkish counterparts. Trump said President Macron’s remark that NATO was “brain dead” was ‘very, very nasty’ and ‘disrespectful’ for alliance of 29 countries. Last month Macron made… Continue Reading →
Post of 13 August 2019 Five countries bordering the energy-rich Caspian Sea, Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan met Monday at an economic forum in a bid to agree on how to divide the region’s oil wealth. कुछ महिना पहले रूस… Continue Reading →
President Putin and Xi Jinping on Monday launched a major pipeline, named “Power of Serbia” to transport natural gas from Siberia to northeast China. This gives Russia a new market outside Europe. The Nord Steam 2 undersea Baltic gas… Continue Reading →
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