Global economic-political environment has undergone painful and heavy transformation in  current decade of 21st century during the second term of President Barak Obama (2011-2016). Obama’s visit to India on 26th January 2015 during India’s Independence day celebration changed India foreign policy from ‘soft nation’ to ‘hard nation’. But the first five years of Narendra Modi doomed India’s non-aligned policy and ignited the Kashmir issue and BJP’s communal politics of ‘mother-cow’. This resulted in demise of secular foundation of India and India lost the important position in world’s eco-politics.

The Obama administration’s impotence in the Middle East after the “Arab Spring” and ‘Syrian war’ resulted in re-emergence of Russia as a rising power in the world after its break-up in 1990. Syria has always changed and shaped the world from the Roman Empire to Chenghez Khan, Ottoman Empire to British Empire and to the current decline of the US & Western powers.

Oil was the real reason behind all the conflicts in the Middle East since the ‘Yom Kippur’ Arab-Israel war of 1973. Syria was just the latest victim of this struggle because the very existence of the modern Middle Eastern states have been “shaped by oil business” following the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire in 1918.

After decades of economic success story, Turkey has re-appeared in the Middle East as a regional power replacing Saudi Arabia, reversing the most unfavourable conditions of Syrian war to its advantage. Turkey left its dependence on the Western allies and started adopting “multilateral independent foreign policies”. Turkey under President Erdogan re-emerged as a potential world power within seven years of tough struggle in Syria. Lately, President Donald Trump also realised this and up-graded his friendship with Turkey.

Indian ruling political pundits during ‘Modi 1.0’ did not overcome the pressure from ‘established order’ of their parent organisation (RSS) from ‘Pakistan/cow rhetoric’. This was a huge mistake from the part of Modi 1.0 government because India had sufficient economic power to act as a model for other undemocratic Asian countries. Moreover, India had more potential than the Middle East to improve and enhance its economy but the US and West lost hope in India as balancer of global makeover due to Modi’s communal agenda of Kashmir, cow, lynching etc.  

Meanwhile, China and Russia became more closer in the last seven years. The Belt and Road initiative of President Xi Jinping has changed everything in eco-politics of Asia-Africa-Europe since 2015. It worked from the East to West and the smart countries started shaping their strategy accordingly.

Since the Modi 2.0 came into power  last May, the government made four blunders against Muslims in India. They passed the Teen Teelaq bill, removed Article 370 for Kashmir, did divine judgment on Babar and  last but not least the NRC/Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB).

A country like India with a population of 1.2 billion and having more then 50 percent poverty  these actions are unthinkable in the beginning of 21st century, when the world is changing and Asia/Africa are developing so fast that you can’t predict what is going to happen in next 24 hours.

The Indian economy is spluttering since the 2008 depression, all public sector banks are suffering from huge non-performing assets’ (NPA) problem, employment in small and medium size companies is negligible, mobile industry is on the verge of closure and looking for relief of about Rs 42,000 crores ($6 billion). At present, the 5G telecom revolution in India is dead.

The educated engineers and other graduates are not competent enough to take the jobs in any multi-national companies. The infrastructures are of poor quality, most the towns have either no drainage systems or of poor quality and 80% of ground water is contaminated. India has one bed for 2012 persons in government hospitals while minimum world standard is 3-beds for 1000 but we are talking about Ayushman Bharat.            

India is not the only nuclear power in Asia but both its neighbours are also nuclear powers. China’s military power is incomparable to India. And at the same time India’s energy requirement are fully dependent on 90% imported oil & gas.

I’m not against India for just having these problems but I feel displeased and sorry due to present government’s actions against ‘Muslims and also humanity’ by passing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAB). Please wake up India, wake up our intellectuals before it becomes too late for our future generations.

If Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, Egypt or Turkey would like to acquire a prestigious international status, they have no choice other than building a rapprochement with China and Russia to be the part of “the new World Power-Game” in 21st century. And now, it is in the interest of Russia and China to play a constructive role for the future of Asia and Africa.