Besides Communist Party of China (CPC), Chinese government has two political organisations: National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

#The NPC  is China’s top legislative and supreme organ of the state power. It has around 3,000 deputies from all over the country. They have power to enact and amend constitution and basic laws.

The NPC is only body who elects President of China. It also formulates major policies, defence budget and fix GDP targets for the Chinese economy.

#The CPPCC is neither a body of state power nor a policy-making organ but serving as an advisory body for the National People’s Congress. It has 2,200 members from different political parties, people from different sectors and organisations and social workers from Communist Party of China (CPC).

It is an important body which gives political, consultative and democratic supervision. The CPPCC being a top political advisory body has substantial influence to shape public opinion through the internet, mobile technology and social media.  

#Despite different functions of two bodies NPC and CPPCC, both have same common things like both deputies of NPC and members of CPPCC are elected for 5 years. Both have plenary sessions every year and both have standing committee for different related matters. This year plenary NPC and CPPCC sessions started on Friday, 23rd May in Beijing.

Xi Jinping is the President  of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China. He is holding all the three important post since March 2013.

Wang Yang is the CPPCC Chairman and Prime Minister is Li Keqiang, who is member of powerful Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China.  Prime Minister’s term is limited to two terms, but President is not.