Post of 25th January 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping virtually attended Davos-21 after 2017. He said “nation should stop unilateral practices, narrow minded selfish, beggar thy neighbour policies.”

Xi said you should know the world is undergoing changes unseen in the century. Now it is the time for major development and major transformation and look to the future. We should also need to adopt changing international landscape and respond to global challenges as they arise.

Xi said ladies, gentlemen and friends after decades of efforts by Chinese people, China has build a modern, prosperous society in all respects. China has made a historic gain in ending extreme poverty and built a modern socialist country.

He said as China enters a new development stage, we will follow a new development philosophy and new development #paradigm with “Dual Circulation” as foundation and domestic and international circulation reinforcing China.

On Covid-19, Xi said China has helped 150 countries and 13 international organisations and sent 36 medical expert teams to several countries to defeat Corona pandemic.

In the end, Xi said China will build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoy lasting peace.


Syed Imran Balkhi Saheb has mentioned several time about “paradigm shift”. Today, President Xi has said in WEF about paradigm shift in development economics in China. And that paradigm shift is from capitalism or mixed economy to “Dual Circulation”. I have one post on dual circulation of Chinese economics.