Post of 16-02-2021

It is said in Wikipedia that the Indian’s Chitpawan Brahmins came from Israel to Konkan in India but some others refute it. After the discoveries of the 20 pyramids it may also prove that Chitpawan Brahmins came from the civilisation of Pharaohs and brought their gods and goddesses to India.  

#Picture 1, the priests are performing last religious rights of mummification of dead body wearing Dhoti and Jenau like Indian rituals for dead body.

#Picture 2, God Horus is flanked with God Osiris and Goddess Isis. Does God Horus not look like Hanuman jee?

#Picture 3, Anubis, the God who protects cowardly and the dead heart in last trial. God Anubis, also called God of power is holding Trishul in his hand.

#Picture 4, Goddess Nephthys the wife and sister of God Seth. Goddess Nephthys is also the sister of God Osiris and Goddess Isis.

#Picture 5, a scene from the shrine cut in rock of the goddess Hathor from the temple of pharaoh Thutmose III of Thebes (1479-1425 BC). Goddess Hathor as the chief of Thebes in her sacred cow form wearing the solar disc on her head and a necklace, breast feeding and protecting King Thutmose. He is now at the Egyptian Cairo museum

In 2015, gas was discovered in Egypt’s Zohr gas field in the Mediterranean Sea, which is three times larger than the Turkish gas field in the Black Sea. In last three years, more than $11 billion has been invested in the field so far, and another $5 billion to $6 billion will be spent in the coming years.