Post of 16-02-2021

Last year archaeologists in Egypt announced the most dramatic finds of 59 sealed sarcophagi (mummified remains) dating back 2500 years in Saqqara. The experts believe that “mummies were priests” who once sanctified the vast cemetery. The sarcophagi discovered have original ornate colours despite the long passage of time. Saqqara near Cairo is famous for 5,000-year-old Step pyramid of Djoser.

The archaeologist also found in the same area a necropolis (graveyard) with hundreds of mummified sacred animals and birds, including mummified crocodiles, snakes, scarabs, lion cubs, mongoose, and falcons.

In 2018, the Tomb of Wahtye, the Old Kingdom’s Fifth Dynasty was discovered which dated back almost 4,400 years.

In the last hundred years nearly 20 out of the 118 pyramids were opened or seen by archaeologists and the findings astonished me. Most of the gods and goddesses look like Indian gods and goddesses. I am afraid, if another 40 will be opened then, it may confirm that Chit Pawan Brahmins in India came from the Egyptian civilisation of Pharaoh and settled in Konan. They also brought the gods and goddesses sacred to that civilisation with them.

#Picture 1&2, is the Pyramids in Egypt near Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula.

#Picture 3, known as the Karnak Temples area is the LARGEST ancient Religious building in the world. Karnak is a group of temples and the largest belongs to Male God Amon-Re and goddess Mut. The Karnak religious site is considered as the largest open-air museum of 54,000 square feet, that is the Great Hypostyle Hall. It is large enough for France’s Cathedral of Notre Dame to fit in comfortably.

Karnak Temples in Luxor, Egypt consists of huge pillars, towering columns, massive avenues of sphinxes, and an obelisk that stands 97 feet tall and weighs 323 tons built over a course of 2000 years and under the supervision of dozens of kings. And all of those are for the worship of God Amon-Re.

#Picture 4, Valley of Kings’ Palace the 7000 years old two Minar in the Valley of Kings. Similar Minar of stone is constructed in USA and seen during 6th January 2021 riots near White House in America.  

#Picture 5 is the discovery of sarcophagi in Saqqara last year.

Karnak Temples
7000 years old two Mirates in Valley of Kings, Egypt
Saqqara Ornate Colour Sarcophagi