Post of 5th March 2022

Ukrainian President Zelensky lashed out at the European Union (EU) and its NATO alliance on Friday, for its refusal to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Zelensky said to the US-led bloc that “people will die because of you”. This is a weakness which the EU will, unfortunately, pay for in the future.

Before the war with Putin, Ukrainians & Zelensky believed that EU and NATO are strong and will support them like Israel in Middle East. But for last one week, the people saw the opposite. The US-led European bloc is not supporting Ukrainians as promised because they don’t want terrorists in Europe.

On Friday, the Mayor of the besieged Ukrainian port city of #Mariupol said that Mariupol became #Aleppo of Syria. He made a televised plea to EU for military and humanitarian help as water and electricity was cut off in the city in cold winter.

President Zelensky, please wake up! The EU or NATO is not weak and indecisive but they will never create an Israel in Europe.