French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday for an official visit after a two-day trip to Lebanon. Macron said “the fight for Iraq’s sovereignty is essential” before leaving Beirut last night.

In Baghdad, Macron said Iraqis, who “suffered so much,” deserved options besides domination by regional powers or extremism. He offered Iraq “the role of France” to help them out from extremism and to let Iraqis take their destiny in their own hand.

Mr Macron your old recipe (formula) of “carrot or the stick” in the Middle East, Lebanon, Libya and now your support of Greece in the Mediterranean Sea against Turkey will not revive your influence or make you a French power again after coronavirus.

Please don’t make fools of Iraqis by giving indirect message to Turkey or Iran by “sovereignty initiative” of Iraq.

Mr Macron, you will not be successful in Lebanon, Iraq or Mediterranean Sea or for that matter in African countries! Your devilish (shaitani) activities of militancy by #CharlieHebdo’s cartoon will not work in the presence of three successful leaders like; Erdogan, Putin and Xi Jinping.

Mr Macron, stop producing ISIS again by legalising Charlie Hebdo in the name of free speech. After Covid-19, the world will never be be the same again and you will be the biggest loser in the West.

Mr Macron, I appreciate your efforts but the famous French perfume has become odourless!