Post of 9 August 2022

Muhammad ﷺ, the Prophet of Islam was born in a respected tribe of Arabs, the Quraish and a distinguished family of Banu-Hashim of Makkah. Banu-Hashim’s family were the caretakers of the Holy Ka’abah.

The Prophet ﷺ was born in the month of April 570 AD and his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib named him Muhammad means the “praiseworthy one”.

As the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ approached his 40th birthday, in the month of Ramadan, the angel Jibril came while he was in meditation in Jabal al Nour (Ghar-i-Hira) and revealed to him the first of a series of Divine revelations (wahy/وحی) from Allah, which he continued to receive until his death in 632 AD.  

In 622 AD, Muhammad ﷺ at the age 53 years left Makkah for Madinah, some 450 km to the north, on a journey that became known as the HIJRAH. He lived another 10 years in Madinah.

In the year 630, the Prophet ﷺ with his devout followers entered Makkah, the city of his birth, without a single drop of blood being shed, this is called “Fatah Makkah”. After few months stay he left Makkah to Madinah. The following year he came to Makkah again and performed Hajj and gave his last “Sermon” in Arafat.

After the death of Prophet ﷺ, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (537-634) became first Caliph of Islamic State in 632 AD. During his rule of more than two years, he brought together all the Suhuf (parchments) on which Quran was written during the Prophet ﷺ lifetime and compiled them in the form of one book (Mushaf).

In 634 AD, at the age of 53, Umar ibn al-Khattab (581-644) became the second Caliph of the Islamic State and ruled for just over a decade. In 638, the Muslim army conquered Jerusalem (Masjid al-Aqsa) and Caliph Umar went there to sign the peace treaty. Umar devised a provincial system of administration, appointed governors, developed taxation and revenue departments, and distributed zakat, taxes, other revenues to other regions of Islamic State. Caliph Umar started Hijrah Islamic calendar  

Uthman ibn Affan (576-656) became third Caliph in 644 AD. He was very fortunate to have become Caliph when Islamic dominion was politically strong and economically prosperous due to outstanding leadership of Caliph Umar.

Ali ibn Abi Talib (601-661) became fourth and last Caliph after Caliph Uthman was brutally assassinated in 656 AD at the age of eighty. Ali was one of the most successful warriors of Arabia and earned the name of “Asadullah” (lion of God) from none other than the Prophet ﷺ himself.

After the assassination of Caliph Ali in 661AD, Umayyad dynasty started. Islamic historians often classified Umayyad (661-750 AD) and Abbasid dynasties as “classical” and rest five as “modern” periods of Muslim rules in the world. Ottomans ruled 622 years in Asia, Africa and Europe while Babur (1483-1530) had established Mughal dynasty in India. The once-powerful six Muslim dynasties are:

#Abbasids (750-1258)= 508 years
#Seljuks (1037-1194)= 157 years
#Ghaznavids (977-1186)= 109 years
#Ottomans (1300-1922)= 622 years
#Safavids (1501-1722)=221 years
#Mughal (1526-1857)= 331 years

In India, Muslim rule started from the tenth century AD. In 1193 AD, Mohammad Ghauri conquered parts of north India and Qutub Uddin Aibak became the first King of the Slave dynasty in 1206. The last Muslim King of India was Bahadur Shah Zafar in 1857. Following are the Muslim dynasties which ruled India nearly nine hundred years.

#Ghauri Empire (1193-1290)= 97 years
#Khilji Sultanate (1290-1320)= 30 years
#Tughlak Dynasty (1320-1413)= 94 years
#Saeed Dynasty (1414-1445)= 37 years
#Lodhi Empire ( 1415-1517)= 75 years
#Mughal Empire (1526-1530)=4 years
#Suri Empire (1539-1554)= 16 years
#Mughal Empire (1555-1857)=302 years

ما سوا اللہ  کے لیے آگ ہے تکبیر تیری

تو مسلماں ہو تو تقد یر ہے تد بیر تیری

“All else but God is at thy feet
If sounds thy Takbeer great;

If thou a Muslim truly art,

Thy effort is thy Fate. (Iqbal)