Mr Trump, the world will remember you for your courage and strength to reverse the deadly interventionist policies of America. You made American foreign policy peaceful, fair and tripolar and changed the American mentality of the Warlord.

You knew before the emergence of covid-19 that history has turned a corner and the era of Western domination has ended. The respect to Western societies, which was the norm in the 19th and 20th centuries, will be replaced by respect and admiration for Middle East and Far East Asians.

The Europeans, Bush and Obama destroyed the United States as “the shining city on the hill” by killing thousands of lives in Africa, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Turkey. Obama’s Syria policy of 2011 was worse than Jimmy Carter’s policy of Iran in 1980.

Since 1941, America carried out 280 military interventions, hundreds of assassinations/coups in every corner of the globe. America never became victorious despite repeated bloodbaths and disasters.

Mr Trump, you did not embroil yourself in wars in Middle East or anywhere in the world. You destroyed ISIS created by Obama and stopped civil war in Libya. You stopped supporting forty years of Kurd militancy and Armenian occupation of Nagorno Karabakh and made peace with Taleban.

President Donald Trump your election is stolen by a hawkish leader Joe Biden. I hope Biden will understand that “the world has changed”. I wish Obama’s era militant war mongers’ advisor like Anthony Blinken, Samantha Power, William Burns, John Kerry etc will not be successful this time.

We will miss you and your entertainment of the last four years. Wish you good health and long life to see the Asian century.