Ten Narendra Modi or ten Nitesh Kumar will not make India economic power, till the present BJP government in India will not show to the world that “Sub ka sath sub ka vikas” is now Vision of India, with action not “Nare Bazee”.

India was in much better position till 1976 to China (death of Mao and cultural revolution). During 1986-1992 both the countries were in turmoil, one was fighting for development and openness while India was agitating for Ram Mandir. China did Tainanmen Square massacre in 1989 and gave signal to the world that they want peace and development and Deng Xiaoping started development in 1992. India gave signal to the world by demolishing Babri mosque in 1992 that they are not interested in development but communal politics of our particular political party.

Rest is the result, China is eleven (11) times more stronger economically and militarily than India.