Post of 4th August 2021

Unfortunately, Iran has endorsed a President Ebrahim Raisi, who is also an Ayatollah. The new President’s true power will lie in ensuring the hard-line ideology of “Wilayat Al-Fiqah” (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) that was created after the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran by Ayatollah Khomeini.

Yesterday, new President Raisi said that his top priority will be lifting of sanctions and improving the economic condition through foreign investment and ‘Stock- Exchange’.

I have spent many years abroad and met almost all the Muslims of the world including Iranians. I have noticed the most extraordinary series of political, social, economic and technological changes but Iran is not the part of any of these changes in the last twenty years except exporting militia in different Muslim countries.

The world has changed after Syrian war and presidency of Donald Trump. Two new super powers China and Greater Middle East have emerged in Asia. Sooner or later Russia will also go out of Syria like Americans from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Leaders of the Muslim world will have to manage the affairs of their own countries and with its neighbours.

Let us keep our fingers crossed about Iran because Raisi is also called the “Butcher of Tehran’.

(#Note: Please don’t translate this Post and write comments in Hindi)
(#My post of 22nd December 2016 on FB)

“Muslims got a new Foreign Minister, Turkey!”

(For last two years, I am writing on FB that Syria has changed the world politics and its centre is now Asia. It is obvious to all. Now, entry of a new player, Kazakhstan is becoming Switzerland of Asia as a meeting place for negotiation).

Marwan Asmar, Gulf News: “The new common front on the Syrian civil war between Turkey, Russia and Iran is an extraordinary event for the Middle East.

The total exclusion of the United States shows how things have changed in a few years. Earlier such an initiative could not have happened without a lead from and participation by the US.

The three players are also very unlikely participants in mainstream Arab politics. Turkey has deliberately kept out of Arab entanglements for decades and Russia has been unable find any traction since the fall of former president Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

Iran has built a substantial position in several countries through its proxy militias and local forces that followed its nationalist needs. This new initiative will be the first time that it comes on the stage as a major regional and international player”.