Post of 11 May 2022

Today, Israeli army fired bullet on the face of Shireen Abu Akleh, Al Jazeera Journalist and she died on the spot. Shireen, born in Bethlehem was known all over the world and died for the Palestinian cause.

President Zelenski, Palestinians are thankful to you that you have not only exposed the crime and genocide of Russians but also the seventy years of Israeli crime and genocide of Palestinians in Israel.

Mr Zelenski, you know that President Putin is digging in for long conflict in Ukraine. Putin’s Russia has great ability and willingness to challenge you and US in Ukraine. Now Putin is counting on US and European Union to weaken as food shortages, high inflations, and high oil and gas prices are going to go down for negotiated settlements in Ukraine.

Mr Zelenski, you know Putin is also using nuclear rhetoric to deter EU & US to stop increasing supply of lethal weapons to you. If Putin perceived the US was ignoring his threat, he could order large nuclear exercise on your Ukrainian borders.

President Zelenski, all Muslims are thankful to you that you exposed Western powers’ and Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Kurds and so on in the name of Ukrainian genocide by Russia.

Long live Zelenski!