Janata curfew on the 22nd of March will be a “thousand and one nightmare” for all Indians irrespective of religion, caste and region of India. This day will be beginning of the end of the hundred years of RSS ideology of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ or dominance of Brahmanical society.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) will be more widespread than we think but less deadly than the Spanish Flu of 1918. In Spanish flu people died in the first two three hours of the sickness but such is not the case of Covid-19. The damage to the Indian economy will be felt as a tremor for the next 20 years.

The exact medical impact of Covid-19 on India is uncertain with the Janata curfew. A recent study in Shenzhen, a city near Hong Kong found that 14.9 per cent of people who ‘shared a room or house’ with a Covid-19 sufferer went on to contract the infection themselves.  However 9.6 per cent of people went on to become infected who had close contact with a sufferer ‘outside the home’. The sample size was 1286.   

What is certain is that it will cause terrible damage to an already devasted Indian economy due to the previous six years of RSS ideology of rupturing the social fabric of India. Indian Banks have collapsed, public-sector organisations are dead, private-sectors are on the verge of dying due to heavy borrowings.

A country which is dependent on 80% of imported oil has irreparably damaged  the social fabric through Teen Tilaq, the removal of special status of Kashmir (370), divine judgment of Babri case, NRC, CAA, border dispute with China etc. In the current climate, no country will help India monetarily except IMF but the cost of borrowing will further weaken Indian.  

The BJP’s election budget has “stolen the financial budget” of the last six years. This year’s budget (2020-21) will have an untimely end due to the Covid-19 epidemic and death of the Indian economy. The slogan of ‘Bande-Matram’ or ‘Bharat Mata Jee Ke Jai’  will not revive the economy.


The Economist, London (14th March 2020 Issue)