FB Post of 29th April 2021

In February 2021, India’s ruling BJP passed a resolution that, “it can be said with pride, India defeated Covid-19 under the able, sensible, committed and visionary leadership of PM Narendra Modi. The party hails Modi’s leadership for introducing India in the world as a proud and victorious nation in the fight against Covid.”

But after two months India started stumbling from Covid Tsunami. Hospitals are running out of oxygen, acute-care beds, and cremations’ place. Heart-touching pictures of people lying on the floor of hospitals or dying in the streets outside hospitals are being broadcasted all over the world on TV channels for the past seven days.

Many nations are suffering from the current pandemic but not like India. The RSS trained leader Narendra Modi made a disastrous error in declaring proudly that he controlled the pandemic to overcome his geopolitical rivalry with China. Modi boasted to export “Make in India” vaccines including AstraZeneca jab licensed to the Serum Institute and the domestically developed Covaxin.

India has paid the price for the false pride of the RSS intellectuals and foreign diaspora. The aid of ventilators and oxygen from US, UK, EU, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have started coming. These aid from others are not a moral imperative but a matter of self-interest. Within a year India became from a donor country to one begging to the whole world for emergency medical supplies.