Results of referendum in 5 provinces of Mindanao region, as well as in the cities of Cotabato and Isabela are published. The next round of referendum will take place on 6 February in some rural towns and villages.

85 % of more than 2.0 million people of Mindanao who voted on 21 January said “Yes” for autonomy deal of Mindanao.

The vote is the result of peace deal signed in 2014 between the Philippines government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the main rebel group. President Rodrigo Duterte signed the legislation creating the new region, called Bangsamoro.

Under Bangsamoro organic law (BOL), Mindanao people will give up their goal of an independent state in exchange for broad autonomy after centuries of conquest — first by Spanish and then by American colonial forces (1887).

Under new deal, Bangsamoro will be governed by Chief Minister with a Parliament. The new government will start functioning with full autonomy in 2022.

Mindanao Autonomous State