
Mr. Dave, you are a lawyer and hold many positions in Indian Caucus but today you are raising CAA issue.

#Mr Dave, you know Indians can wait three decades or more for justice in case of murder or rape in Indian Courts because 30 million cases are pending but a journalist/politician can get bail in two days.

#Mr Dave, in 1986 Rajiv Gandhi opened the locks of Babri and put idol and thousands of Indians lost their lives but a “Divine judgment” came after 34 years. What about false Shah Bano case?

#Mr Dave, child custody case takes several years. Court gives judgment when children become adults!

#Mr Dave, last February Supreme Court acquitted a man accused of murder after 36 years.

#Mr Dave, Michael Jackson tax case of 1996 was settled by court after 25 years. And gov’t returned 3 Crore rupees (£301,000) to Jackson’s family. Jackson died 12 years earlier.