Mr Putin, please wake up and don’t behave like the old Soviet era Vodka drinking leaders of the 20th century.

After 2012, you had the opportunity to make trustworthy relationships with Muslim countries like the Middle East, Turkey and Iran. In 2015, you destroyed ISIS in Syria and subsequently ISIS State in Iraq and became a hero and beacon of hope in the Muslims world.

But you started losing your trust among the Muslim nations because of your old Soviet style habit of ditching friends and not solving the problems but letting them linger and smoulder.

#You have not yet made a constitution in Syria and have not worked on Astana’s declaration between Turkey-Iran-Russia for returning of Syrian refugees and on elections in Syria.
#You have not made Ukraine a developed democratic country and started again creating problems for Tatars in the Crimea.
#You are not solving the Nagorno Karabakh problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
#You have no strength to help Iran against the Western arms/oil embargo
Yesterday, President Trump refused to attend your request for Video Summit on Iran’s embargo.
#In Libya, you are also playing a role of destroyer of peace rather than friend of Turkey.
#You have no strategy to overcome the ‘UAE-Israel Agreement’ and to maintain your longterm presence in the Middle East.

I have watched your strategy in Belarus’ election and now Europe is creating problems for Europe’s longest surviving dictator Lukashenko. But, your ‘Soviet-style’ support to Lukashenko will harm you more than Lukashenko. I am sure you will leave Lukashenko hanging in the air like Iran and Syria.

You know China is fast replacing USA/Europe in Asia and African nations due to its economic/technological presence. Iraq is China’s fourth largest oil supplier. China has significant presence in other commercial and defence activities in Egypt, Iraq, Indonesia etc.(from Africa to Asia).

Please wake-up Mr Putin otherwise China will replace you everywhere!

(My Post on FB on 16th August 2020)