Post 0n 22 March 2022

#Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said at OIC meeting that the war in Ukraine has revealed the international community’s double standards. He said: “we heard those saying ‘this is not the Middle East, this is not Afghanistan. Why is blood spilled?’ But for us, the blood spilled in Kharkiv and the blood spilled in Aleppo are equal.”

Çavuşoğlu also called on the Muslim world to question itself and one should not blame others for the situation in the Islamic world.

Çavuşoğlu said that it is easy to blame others but what can we change by blaming others? We must first call ourselves to account but use our good relations to improve the situation of Muslim societies.

#Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the OIC and China as a block will try to create a ceasefire and resolve the conflict in Ukraine. He said that if Ukraine conflict continued it would have grave consequences for the world.

#Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at OIC that maintaining friendly relations lies at the heart of the traditions of China. He said “China can never forget the support of the Islamic world in the United Nations.” Wang Yi vowed that “China stands ready for cooperation with the Islamic world.”

Regarding Afghanistan, Yi assured that China stands with the war-torn country for all possible assistance and cooperation for peace, development, and reconstruction.

Wang Yi stressed that China is ready to work for regional security, stability and development with the Belt and Road Initiative in 54 countries. He revealed that China is investing $400bn in 600 projects in the Muslim world.”