As I opened my hotel room window, 6000 years of history was sprawled in front of my eyes, Judean, Romans, Crusaders, Persians all have left imprints on this holy land, Jerusalem.
The old walled city of Jerusalem is divided into four quarters, Muslim, Jewish, Armenian and Christian. This arrangement was made by Salahuddin Ayubi and the city to date is divided on those lines.
It is almost impossible for me to cover 6000 years of history in one post and there is no way I can trans-locate my feelings and emotions. It is just too overwhelming, so let me start with. AQSA, the real purpose of my visit.
Almost 40 years after Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) built Kabbah (Mecca), he started building a Bait- EL (House of Almighty) with the help of his son Ishaq (AS).
In Canan, exact spot where Aqsa stands today, after the completion he handed custodianship of this Bait-El to his son Ishaq (AS), Ishaq (AS) and his progeny took care of this holy site for almost 2000 years.
When children of Bani Israel left Canan and moved to Egypt this place was deserted, and slowly disappeared into oblivion, When Bani Israel came back to Canan (Jerusalem) there belief had changed and they started praying at “Wall of wailing”.
This place slowly become a rubbish dump, till Khalifa Omar Khattab (RZA) conquered Jerusalem in 16th Hijri. He identified the spot of Al Aqsa, and the Qabbat Sakrah (rock from where prophet Muhammad (SAW) ascended to heavens.
Having said so much I am grateful to Aqsa waqf board and especially brothers Hatim Kurd and Nabeel Ansari, for allowing me access to places which I could not have even dreamt of visiting, May Allah reward you, I am indebted to you for the rest of my life.
یک بار اور بھی یثرب سے فلسطین میں آ راستہ دیکھتی ہے مسجدِ اقصیٰ تیرا Posted by Kashif Mustafa in 2016
Aqsa, the Mosque of Prophets, very few Muslims realise that this simple, single storey and largely undecorated building is actually their first Qibla.Aqsa InsideEntrance to real Aqsa, or as called ‘Aqsa-e -Qadeem’. It is beneath the Aqsa that people normally see. Built by Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ishaq (AS) as, 6000 years ago.Getting into Masijd-e-Aqsa. It is 100 meters away from New Aqsa but connected.Masjid-e-Buraq. Above me (Kashif Kustafa), the iron ring to which Prophet Muhammad (SAW) tied his buraq( Celestial steed on which he ascended to heavens).In ‘Aqsa-e-Qadeem’. The place where Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lead the prayers of 25 Rasools. Contrary to the popular belief, common belief is that he lead the prayers of all 124000 nabis and Rasools, this is incorrect.Masjid-e-Omar. When Omar Khattab(RZA) entered Jerusalem as conqueror, he visited Church of holy Sepulchre. The Church Cardinal asked him to offer his prayers inside the Church. Omar (RZA) refused and said “if I do it today then Muslims will convert every Church to a Masjid”. He threw a stone and where the stone landed he offered his Zohar prayer. This small and modest ,mosque, adjacent to Church of Holy Sepulchre stands today bearing testimony to one of the most just ruler.Mehrab-e -Ibrahimi, in old Aqsa. Ibrahim (AS) used to pray at this spot.Mehrab-e-Zakriah (AS), where he prayed for a son at the 80 years of age. He was bestowed with Hazrat Yahya, AS (John the Baptist). Accordingly prayers at this point are still answered, childless couples come to pray here.Mahrab-e-Maryam (Arch Mary) in old Aqsa where Maryem (RZA) used to pray, before immaculate (perfectly clean) conception. ‘Dome of the Rock’,or ‘Qubbat as Sakrah’ in Arabic, houses the rock from which Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ascended to heavens. Built in 691 by Umayad Calipha Abdul Malik. It is the most recognised building in Jerusalem, and now is like the insignia of Jerusalem. The entrance is strictly for Muslims.Exact spot from where Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) went for Miraj.