Post of 6th march 2021

وہ سکوت شام صحرا میں غروب آفتاب
جس سے روشن تر ھوئی چشم جہاں بین خلیل
(محمد اقبال)

Pope Francis has urged Iraq’s Muslim and Christian religious leaders to put aside differences and work together for peace and unity.

He said at the ancient city Ur, the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham, “this is true religiosity: to worship God and to love our neighbour.”

“From this place, where faith was born, from the land of our father Abraham, let us affirm that God is merciful.” Pope said “hostility, extremism and violence are not born of a religious heart: they are betrayals of religion.”

Pope Francis said “pray together for peace as children of Abraham, the prophet common to Muslims, Christians and Jews near a magnificent Ziggurat temple.

. براھیمی نظر پیدا ذرا مشکل سے ھوتی ھے
ھوس چھپ چھپ کے سینوں میں بنا لیتی ھے تصویریں
(محمد اقبال)

Pope Francis holds a Mass at Chaldean Cathedral in Baghdad.
The Great Ziggurat temple in city of Ur, birth place of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam.
Old structure in the city of Ur, birthplace of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam.
Old structure in city of Ur.