Post of 20th August 2022

Erdogan said yesterday, “all the steps we have taken and continue to take in Syria are part of our fight against terrorism. In some areas we carry out this fight together with the Russians, and in other areas with our own soldiers and security forces. I believe we can cooperate further with Russians to eliminate terror forces from northern Syria. Russia is allied with the Syria regime, and the regime buys petrol sold by the terror groups we are fighting.”

He further said “and the US and coalition forces also support terror groups in Syria by providing them with arms. And #Iran also has his own agenda. We have no desire for any of Syria’s land. The people of Syria are our brothers and we support their territorial integrity. I hope that the Syrian constitution is drafted as soon as possible, and that problems faced by the people there are solved.

On the subject of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant , Erdogan said that “the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should take the initiative on what needs to be done. Ukraine currently has active and competent staff in the field there. The area is being protected by those technical staff and by soldiers. We will discuss this issue with Mr Putin as we believe that Russia should do its part in this regard as an important step for world peace.”

Today, Guteress said “just yesterday I was in Odessa port, and saw the first-hand loading of a cart full of wheat on ship. I was so moved by watching the loading of wheat. It was loading of #HOPE for so many around the world.”