Sangh and BJP government’s ambitions to become global power, left India poor. The  update of India’s economy and its military have been set back by a sharp economic fall, soaring health crisis and a widening sense of discontent in domestic and foreign policies.

After ‘Namaste Trump’ Prime Minister is continuously giving clueless speeches in Maan Ki Baat and his Independence day speech. The PM is clearly undecided, torn between collapsed economy and Chinese expansionist activities in Northern or Eastern border.

The Sangh Parivaar and the BJP government are both trapped in a series of failures of economy and foreign policy, collapsed banks, umemloyment, health crisis and recently Chinese adventure in Galwan.

What is the short-term or long-term strategy of the government? Is the plan to let India live with the heath crisis and Chinese agression? In these uncertain times, India can’t afford to live in uncertain leadership.

After seven years, Defence and Foreign ministers are briefing or visiting Russia and Iran with no tangible outcome but the PM is quiet on national disasters on both economic and foreign policies.

I was expecting U-turn over last year’s mistakes of 370, NRC but nothing yet has transpired. Similarly, I was expecting revival of Public sector companies but the government is still supporting private sectors by giving 2.5 lakh crores of Bank loan to private sectors  during the pandemic. Next year, these loans will again become non-performing assets (NPA) of Banks.

In seven years, the BJP government has not brought back any defaulter like  Malya or Nirav Modi form the UK. Nirav Modi alone has taken $2 billion fraudulently from Indian Banks.

I wish leadership of Sangh and BJP government will contact good people for advice to save India and future generations.