Post 28 September 2023

“ہے کچھ ایسی ہی بات، جو چپ ہوں
ورنہ کیا بات کر نہیں آتی” (غالب)

Around $50 billion in oil and gas related projects are coming to Iran. Chinese and Russian oil companies are two major sponsors of these big investments.

But surprisingly, Iran is expecting billions of dollars of investment from Saudi Arabia with the resumptions of relationship on the 10th of March made possible by Chinese diplomacy.

Around $20 billion of the investment will go to completing the development of the giant South Pars natural gas field in Iran and rest will be in oil and refineries.

“There is something
Which compels me
To seal my tongue,
Do you think
I have no speech
Nor a tongue?” (Ghalib)
Some comments on the Post

Mohammed Seemab Zaman 1878 is the “cut-off date” for the Europe history. This year (1878) in Berlin Conference European started to inhale Ottoman Empire. Next hundred and fifty years European ruled in Asia and Africa. After 9/11 the Western powers down fall started.

In Berlin Conference, Bosnia Herzegovina was given to Austria. Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia got independence from Ottoman rule. Germany, France, Holland and Spain started genocide in Africa and established their colonies till 1970s…….