Post of 3rd March 2022

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman talked about reforms, international relations and economy in an interview with the Atlantic.

He said that “our country is founded on a set views and beliefs that are based on Islam, on tribal culture, Arab culture, and unique attributes to Saudi culture and beliefs, that’s our soul. If we get rid of it, that means the country would collapse.”

Asked about “moderate Islam”, Prince Salman said we would not use the term “moderate Islam,” because this term would make the extremists and terrorists happy. The word “moderate Islam,” would mean that we in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries are changing Islam into something new, which is not true.

He said “we are going back to the real teachings of Islam, the way that the Prophet and the four Rightly Guided Caliphs lived, which was open and peaceful societies. They had Christians and Jews living under their rule. They taught us to respect all cultures, all religions. The teachings of the Prophet and the rightly guided four Caliphs were perfect.”

Prince Salman said that we are going back to the root, to the real thing. What happened was that the extremists hijacked and changed our religion into something new for their own interests. They’re trying to make people view Islam their way. And the problem was that there was no one arguing with them, and no one fighting against them seriously. So, they had the chance to spread all these extremist views, which led to the creation of the most extreme terrorist groups, both in the Sunni and Shiite worlds.