#Today, President Putin and Erdogan has launched the TurkStream gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey. TurkStream’s length is 910 km and running under Black Sea. It will transfer 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year and meet the energy demand of 15 million homes to Ankara and Istanbul.  

The second pipeline of TurkStream will supply gas to Europe. The second line is expected to go from Turkey through Bulgaria, then to Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia. Western and Central Europe have long been Russia’s major consumer of gas. Moscow started supplying natural gas to Europe in the 1950s. Putin said pipeline will make Turkey a “European Energy Hub.” He said it will not only be good for Turkey’s economy but the whole region. Erdogan said Russia and Turkey aiming for $100 billion trade volume in future.  

Erdogan said Russia and Turkey will complete future projects together with advanced technologies. He stressed that “no chance for projects in East Mediterranean Sea” (Libya, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt or Greece). Let us turn Mediterranean into a field of cooperation and  peace.

Erdogan said US-Iran tensions has reached a point which we don’t desire. Turkey does not want proxy war by any country in this region. Iraq is in danger of completely losing its stability. We will not allow bloodshed and tears in our region. I will not let Iraq turn “into pit of fire”. We will overcome difficult periods with support from our distinguished friend President Putin of Russia.  

#In December, President Putin and Xi Jinping launched a major pipeline, named “Power of Serbia” to transport natural gas from Siberia to northeast China. The 3,000-km-long (1,865 mile) Power of Siberia pipeline will transport gas from Eastern Siberia for next three decades to China and would generate $400 billion for Russian state.

China (38 billion cubic meters) will become Russia’s second-largest gas customer after Germany (58.50 bmc). Russia also ships 200,000 bmc per day to China via a pipeline crossing Kazakhstan.

#In October 2019, Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan has launched 3500 km gas pipeline called Trans-Antolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP). TANAP will supply 6 bmc of gas to Turkey’s 60 towns and provide jobs to 13,000 people. Erdogan named it  “SILK ROAD OF ENERGY”.

TurkStream: Russia-Turkey gas pipeline
Siberia: Russia-China gas pipeline
Tran-Anatolia Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP: Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan)