I have heard from my Iraqi’s friends that Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihisalam) was Kurd and was from Iraq’s Kurdish region. It is well known for all that Salahuddin Ayubi, who liberated Baitul Muqaddas (Jerusalem) was also Kurd.

For 100 years (1920-2020) Kurds have struggled for their identity through different Kurdish political movements, groups and parties in Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq.

Currently there are 15 million Kurds in Turkey, 8 million in Iran, 6 million in Iraq, 2 million in Syria and more than 3 million as national/refugees in Europe and America. The Kurds have their own Indo-European language which is closely linked to Iranic family.

More than 60% of Kurds are Sunni Muslim and others are followers of Shia Islam, Yazidism, Assyrian Christians and Judaism.

Britain and France secretly negotiated in 1916 (Sykes-Picot Agreement) to draw Middle East after collapse of Ottoman Empire in WWI.

In 1920, after WWI, the Treaty of Sevres dissolved defeated Ottoman Empire and proposed creation of Autonomous Kurdish State. But the new leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk rejected the Sevres and negotiated a new treaty in 1923 called the Treaty of Lausanne, in which there was no reference of the Kurdish State.

In 1930 a major Kurdish rebellion around East of Turkey was crushed by Ataturk. In January 1946, Iranian kurds established the Republic of Mahabad but Iran recaptured it in December 1946. In 1946, Mustafa Barzani established a new party called the Democratic Party of Iraq (KDP).

Here are the Kurdish political parties in Turkey (3), Syria (2), Iraq (3) and Iran (3). All these political parties are created hope and struggle for Kurdish State but are also responsible for betrayal of Kurdish causes.

#TURKEY#HUDA-PAR (Free Cause Party): Far Right Sunni cultural Turkish party but pro-Kurdish.

#HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party): Left wing, pro-minority, pro-Kurdish secular party favouring democracy and feminism.

#PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party): Militant Marxist party considered as terrorist by Turkey, EU, USA, Japan and Australia. It is banned in Turkey.

#In 1978, Abdullah Ocalan started Marxist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Turkey for an Independent Kurdish State in the South-East of Turkey.

During 1980s and 1990s France supported the PKK against Turkey. Danielle Mitterrand, the wife of former French President Francois Mitterrand, publicly supported Abdullah Ojalan founder leader of PKK party in Turkey. She said in 1998 that “Abdullah Ojalan has a special place in my heart” and met Ojalan in Rome.PKK has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants in 30 years of terror in Turkey. The YPG in Syria is a PKK’s offshoot.