Facebook Post of 14 November 2020


#NKS (Kurdish National Council): It is a coalition of different Kurdish groups but not associated with PYD. Politically more conservative and supported by Iraqi Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) of Masud Barzani family.

#PYD (Democratic Union Party): Syrian opposition party against government of Syria and close to Turkish PKK party creating insurgency in Syria and Turkey. It has armed defence wings (YPG/YPJ) like Marxists in India.

In 1962-1973, Syrian President Hafiz Assad stripped the citizenship of 120,000 Syrian Kurds and settled Arabs in Kurdish areas rich in oil and gas.

Currently the YPG/YPJ is backed by the US and France in Syria. YPG terror groups unleashed violence upon Syrian people and Turkish forces in Syria. Since 2014, Washington has backed the YPG an offshoot of PKK in Syria against Assad’s Government and created Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the battlefields. The YPG-led SDF alliance now controls one-third of Syria with access to several oil fields and two major dams in northern Syrian territories.Every year, the US allocates hundreds of millions of dollars for the terror group in Kurdish region. President Trump has decided to withdraw its troops from northern Syria but France has increased its support to YPG.


#KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party): Main Kurdish party in Iraq led by Masud Barzani. It is politically conservative but close to Ankara and Europe.

#PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan): it is Centre-left second largest Kurdish party in Iraq led by Jalal Talabani family. It is rival to Barzani KDP party.

#Gorran Movement for Change: It is a civilian anti-corruption movement group led by Nawshirwan Mustafa. It is against both KDP and PUK.

1n 1974-76, President Saddam Hussain displaced Iraqi Kurds supported by Iran and USA.

The Barazanis and the Talabanis have dominated the political life of Iraqi’s Kurd living in Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk and Kirkuk. Mustafa Barzani was the legendary leader of Kurdish revolution and fought Iraq and Iran for the rights of his people. Mustafa’s son Masoud Barzani was the first President of Iraq’s Kurdistan (Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk, Kirkuk) created by USA after its invasion of Iraq in 2003 and assassination of Saddam Hussein. This region is rich in oil and gas in Iraq.

Jalal Talabani has become Iraq’s first President after the 2003 USA invasion of Iraq. His son and nephews hold positions in Iraqi government.


#PDKI (Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan): It is a democratic party fighting for Kurdish national rights within federal Iran. It is banned in Iran but exiled in Northern Iraq.

#JAK (Party for Free Life in Kurdistan): Militant Marxist party and close to Turkey PKK party and carrying out armed struggle against the Iranian Government.

#KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) It is an umbrella group of Kurdish political and insurgency groups in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.