Facebook post of 4th November 2020

In 1851, Biden’s great-great-great-grandfather Edward Blewitt joined the legions of Irish fleeing famine and poverty for a fresh start in New York. Joe Robinette Biden was born in 1942 in Pennsylvania. Biden wrote that when he dies, “northeast Pennsylvania will be written on my heart.” “But Ireland will be written on my soul”.

In the 20th century, others include John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama have all claimed ancestral links to Ireland. Ten percent of Americans (31 million) claim Irish heritage larger than the five-million population of Ireland itself.

Biden grew up in Pennsylvania and studied history and political science. He was not a strong student but was a popular student and athlete.

Biden was elected as the youngest Senator in November 1972 but after six weeks he lost his wife and young daughter in a car crash and his two sons were severely injured while on a Christmas shopping trip. Biden considered resigning from the Senate but was persuaded by his friends not to resign. Biden married his second wife in 1977. His eldest son Beau Biden died from Cancer in 2015 while he was Vice President under the Presidentship of Barak Obama.

During his long public career, he became Chairman of the Judiciary and Foreign Relations Committee. He unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic Presidential nomination twice in 1987 and 2008. He became Vice President under Barak Obama in 2008.

Biden’s long political history suggests that he is radical left. It shows that public has lower expectations on his achievement. Biden promises that he will bring back America’s glory appears a distant dream.

He was a close associate of Republican President Bush during the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 as a Chairman of the Foreign affairs Committee. While as Vice President (2008-2016) he supported the Arab Spring of Obama in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Syria and the creation of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Biden organised and supported the Army Coup on 15 July 2016 in Turkey against Tayyeb Erdogan. But Erdogan survived and after one-week Biden came to Ankara to say “Sorry to Erdogan”.

Muslim leaders including Saudi Arabia felt betrayed by President Obama. Obama took a U-turn on Egypt and supported the army coup against President Mohammad Morsi in 2013. Obama reached a nuclear deal with Iran (JCPOA) in 2015 against the wishes of the Middle East. Turkey, Saudi Arab, UAE decided that USA is no longer dependable and they moved closer to Russia and China. Asian and African countries such as Djibouti, Somalia, Oman, Pakistan have given control of the key waterways around Arabian Peninsula to China.

Biden as the new President of USA will face the uncomfortable reality for containment of China in the Asia- Pacific because China now runs through the Middle East. The USA can not shore up close allies Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia against China, without the Middle East, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia.