The matriarchal society and the great mother in ancient civilizations. The belief prevailed until the middle of the nineteenth century that the patriarchal society was prevalent even in ancient societies, and was presented by those who preceded the human society. It is sufficient for the existence of an older form of masculine society, which is the matriarchal society, which is not based on the values ​​of masculinity and the authority of the father, but on the feminine values ​​and the position of the mother. The first united human unit is the matrilineal family, the cell of the largest matrilineal society. The most important characteristic of this society is:

1- The man handed leadership to the woman, not for her physical superiority, but in appreciation of her human characteristics, spiritual powers, supernatural abilities, and the rhythm of her body in harmony with the rhythm of nature. She was the first to weave, sew, and make pottery, and because she spent a long time searching for edible roots and herbs, she learned the properties of magical herbs in healing diseases. And from the presence of the sacred fire flame in the temples of later civilizations and the temple’s maidens guarding it and keeping it burning, we conclude that the first flame of fire was kindled by the woman and was the first guard over it who kept its secrets, until the woman crowned her economic role in this society with the discovery of agriculture and the transfer of man from the hunting community to the production community. During this stage, the man maintained his traditional role of hunting and navigating in search of large game see.

2- The men of the matriarchal society were more honorable, noble, and chivalrous than the men of the patriarchal society, as they gave women their status out of respect and appreciation, not out of submission or fear.

3- By following the forms of the maternal family and the pattern of the sexual relationship between a woman and a man, we conclude that sexual relations were completely free without any regulation or law, where every woman is for every man and every man is for every woman.

4- In this society, it is not possible to know the father of the child, because the children were attributed to their mothers, and each child is known by his mother, not by his father, and this is what I call (mother’s right), and children have the right to inheritance and inheritance from their mother and not from their father, because the father is considered a stranger. And the father’s inheritance and let him go to his brothers.

5- The woman had the right to separate from her husband whenever she wanted, and the children would return to her, not to the husband who left the house empty-handed. In Babylon, for example, the man, even at very late periods in the history of the patriarchal society here, could not put under his guardianship the sexual life of the woman before marriage, so the woman’s virginity was the property of the goddess Ishtar, not to her future husband, and she would give her virginity in the temple where she practiced sacred sex under the patronage of the gods before to commit to married life. Likewise, the matriarchal society was clear to the ancient Egyptians, as well as to the rest of the eastern civilizations, to the extent that we notice the remains of the matriarchal society clear today. (Excerpts from the book, The Mystery of Ishtar by Firas Al-Sawah.)

*According to Muhamed Al- Rubaie Babylon is the greatest city in the ancient world, and it is the only city that is mentioned in a text in the three heavenly books (the Qur’an, the Bible, the Torah). Babylon means the gate of God

King Ashurbanipal said that “Babylon is the qiblah of the world, and everyone who enters it gets privileges, even a dog that enters Babylon is prevented from being killed.”