Turkey has not emerged as an enemy of Europe but just a rival in the New World Order.

Asli Aydinasbas said on CNN that a lot has changed in favour of Turkey in the past four years under Trump presidentship. Turkey is not a Turkey of a decade ago.

Turkey is now a rising and reviving military power. Turkey has military foot print outside its boundaries in eight (8) countries in Middle East and Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Djibouti etc.

Turkish and Russian relationship is very complex. It seems they are very close to each other but they are also limiting each other’s power in different locations. Turkey is trying to contain and pushing back Russian influence in the Iraq, Syria, and Central Asia.

Turkey is also trying to roll back French influence in Mali, Niger, and Algeria.

Turkey being a NATO member is ready to compromise for S-400 with USA. Turkish Defence Minister said S-400 will only be used when Turkey is threatened by other countries like the agreement Greece has with USA for Russia’s old S-300.

The Minister said “we can find a solution for the S-400s with the US but we expect them to stop supporting the YPG, a terrorist Kurdish groups of PKK. If we cannot find a solution for YPG, we cannot go anywhere in relations with the US.”