Post of 26th April 2022

Russia-Ukraine war will create deep wounds in Europe and will reshape Europe for a longtime in the  21st century. This war is a generational issue for Europeans.

American century is over now. The 21st century will be different for Europe, America and Asia. America and Europe should understand that world has changed very fast in the last eight years and they have to adjust for those changes.

In the Ukraine war energy (oil & gas) is an important weapon and rest of the world except Middle East, Turkey and America is dependant on oil and gas. The American weapon will not decide this war but oil & gas will. Europe will be dependant on oil, gas and coal for the next several decades till renewable energy takes over.

NATO will remain the bedrock of European Security and Turkey will remain an essential country in the alliance but Biden is provoking Turkey by raising genocide (1915) issue in Armenia.

The countries that adopt faster to new geopolitical atmosphere, issues of climate changes, and engage in development of all its people will have higher moral authority and economic power in the new world order.

#Note: Erdogan is visiting Saudi Arabia on Thursday.

Some comments on the Post

Faisal Mohammad Ali And they let Turkey wait in the wings for long

Tanweer Ahsan Very good assessment sir. Americans should be happy that they are able to sell their weapons to Ukraine at least.

Abdul Bari Russia already capture 1/3 of Ukraine and they make it land lock country but they still not stop. Now they are moving to Moldova. If russian inter in Moldova then what the shape take the Europe. They put the all sanction to Russia but they still not to stop Putin. if Putin win this war then what the future of NATO??

Mohammad Javed US is using NATO as a tool for colonising the world without making them direct colony.

Neeraj Singh I think it’s the toughest examination of US think tank! Let’s see what is in the fate of Pentagon.

  • Mohammed Seemab Zaman Today, Russia stopped supplying gas to Bulgaria. Now Europe unity will break. It will be Waterloo for Pentagon and Zelensky.

Saurabh Prasad क्या रूस न्युक्लियर बम का इस्तेमाल करेगा यूरोप अमेरिका के खिलाफ??

  • Mohammed Seemab Zaman क्या कहें? हम को तो नही लगता है न्युक्लियर बम इस्तमाल करे गा। मगर कर भी सकता है, अभी तक जो कहा है वह किया है। आज देख रहे हैं यूरोप मे भूट पड़ना शुरू हो गया है।
  • Saurabh Prasad, Mohammed Seemab Zaman सर, न्युक्लियर हमले का ही खौफ है यूरोप अमेरिका को तभी नाटो सीधे शामिल नहीं हो रहा है। वरना अभी तक मास्को को जमींदोज कर चुका होता और रूस के सारे संसाधन पर यूरोप अमेरिका के कॉरपोरेट का कब्ज़ा हो जाता। रूस को 10 हिस्से में बांट देता।जैसे चीन को बांट कर लूटा था कभी।