In G7, the Biden administration takes another step-in repairing ties with the allies but “strange bedfellows” have been caught by difficult international affairs.

The G7 has now completely lost its shape and is marginalized. Its members are declining both economically and politically,The G7 meeting on Friday came after the meetings of the 30-member NATO states on Wednesday and Thursday, in which they discussed the challenges faced from China and Russia.

Chinese analysts have said that the G7 “club of the West” was once dominated by the US leadership, is now facing domestic and international challenges. The question is how much US leadership remains? The answer is no US leadership remains in the G7.

Now, the US can’t take back leadership from China in fighting the virus, climate change and multilateral trade.

The UK has an awkward relationship with the EU, so its role in the G7 is doubtful.

Germany and France have focus on making the EU an independent group while maintaining an appropriate distance with the US.

Japan only needs to show its identity as a member of the club, but deep down, it knows that the consequences of being enemies with China will make Japan another Australia or Canada.

(This small post is copy of the Global Times opinion published on Friday).