Post of 2nd September 2021

On Wednesday, Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav of Allahabad High Court of India denied bail to Muslim Javed, accused of cow slaughter. The court said, “the government will also have to bring a Bill in Parliament and declares cows the national animal and its protection be made a fundamental right of the Hindus…..”

“Cow protection and promotion are not about any one religion, but cow is the culture of India and whenever we forget our culture (sanskriti), the foreigners attacked us and made us slaves.”

Same day two other Justices of another High Court in India, the Madras High Court has directed the State government to ensure that only native breed of bulls is allowed to participate in the events such as Jallikattu, Manjuvirattu, Oormadu etc. Henceforth, there should be a prohibition on participation of foreign breeds.

The court also warned veterinarians of contempt of court proceedings if they falsely certify an imported or #cross/hybrid breed as a native breed and allow in the events.

The Court also ordered that the government should, as far as possible, avoid artificial insemination of animals since it would deny mating rights of animals and thereby amount to cruelty under the provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960.

#Please see first picture, a female Veterinary doctor of West Bengal Government is inseminating Indian Red Sindhi cow with semen of foreign breeds’ bull.

#Second picture of Niti Ayog, Government of India promoting “Artificial Insemination” in India with the #Sexed Semen of foreign bulls to only deliver “Female Calves”.


Mozaffar Haque Not only that, but also the Hindu scriptures like vedas, if not re-written, at least a footnote to be added there, that on so and so date the mother cows’ status was elevated and exalted by the indian hindu government and beef exports were banned.

West Bengal, Department of Animal Husbandry.